World Health Organisation.
Chair Reports
Topic 1:
Addressing the Public Health Concerns of the Global Vaping Epidemic
Topic 2:
Addressing the Global Prevalence of Genetic Disorders
Starlette Zaw
Head Chair
Hello, everyone! My name is Starlette Zaw, and I’m thrilled to be your head chair for WHO at this year’s MUN conference. I’m a junior at the International School Yangon (ISY) with five years of MUN experience, including chairing at both regional and international conferences. This is my fourth time as a chair, and I’m eager to guide and support this committee.
Outside of MUN, I’m passionate about playing the piano, reading, sketching, volleyball, and spending quality time with friends and family. I can’t wait to hear all the ideas and solutions delegates will bring to the table and see how we grow as a team. Let’s work together to make this conference something we can all be proud of!
Shaun Wong
Deputy Chair
Hello. The name’s Wong. Shaun Wong, and I’m honored to be your deputy chair for WHO at SEASACMUN@UWC East. I’m a Grade 10 student at CDNIS, and this is going to be my 10th conference. With the WHO being my first (and still favorite) council, I’m glad to help make it your favorite as well.
Outside of MUN, I’m either preparing for the IBDP, running (away from the IBDP), playing games (to distract myself from the IBDP), or studying History (to prepare for the IBDP). I can’t wait to meet all of you and your ideas, and see us all improve in different ways. See you all in Singapore!