What is the United Nations Press Corps?

In this ever changing world, the importance of leaders to find out information rapidly has become increasingly more and more paramount. As leaders can often rely on the media to find out on the issues of the day, the media also has a role of keeping authority in check. This same role of the media applies to the United Nations, who have thousands of journalists from around the world bringing information regarding what is happening in the organisation to across the world.

In order to further simulate the United Nations we are having the United Nations Press corps. This is not a committee but rather an extension of the conference administration dedicated to finding out what is happening across the conferences committees. Throughout the three days, our reporters will be going around finding out what is happening in committees and writing articles on the Press Corps page. During breaks or lunches our reports may be recording interviews to have quotes for first hand accounts.

We hope that you enjoy this further experience for the SEASAC MUN 2025 conference and we wish you all a very good time here in UWCSEA East.

SEASAC MUN 2025 UN Press Corps Team