North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
Chair Reports
Topic 1:
Balancing NATO's collective Defence Strategy with the Economic Dependence of member states on Russian Energy
Topic 2:
Evaluating the Defence Budgets of different nations in NATO
Freddie Palmer
Head Chair
Hi, I’m Freddie, and I’m really excited to be your head chair in NATO at SEASACMUN. I’m currently a year 11 (Grade 10) student at Tanglin Trust School here in Singapore, and this will be my 6th conference (and first time chairing, bear with me!)
I think one of the reasons I most enjoy MUN, isn’t just all the thought provoking debates and meaningful discussions, but getting to meet all of the wonderful delegates who make those debates so interesting and enjoyable. I’m very much looking forward to meeting you all at the conference, as well as seeing everyone engaging in some constructive and fruitful debate, and (most importantly), having fun.
Shlok Rana
Deputy Chair
Hi Everyone! I’m Shlok, and I am ecstatic to be your deputy chair for NATO at SEASAC@UWC East. I am currently a Grade 11 IB Student at UWCSEA East, and I have participated in many conferences as a delegate, and even some as a chair.
I’ve always loved partaking in MUNs, since through these experiences, I have developed many skills that have enabled me to grow as a person. Also, I really love debating! I can’t wait to see everyone in this committee grow, form meaningful connections, and improve their debating skills through their new experience here at SEASAC@UWC.
Looking forward to seeing all of you there!