International Criminal Court.

Chair Report

Topic: The Prosecutor v. Dominic Ongwen


Jaiden Iu


Hi Everyone! I’m Jaiden, a Grade 11 Student at the Canadian International School of Hong Kong, and I am honoured to be your ICC President alongside David. SEASACMUN will be my 15th conference since starting MUN 3 years ago, and it has been the defining experience of my high school journey.

I hope SEASACMUN will be a fun and memorable experience for everyone and I can’t wait to ICC you all in February!

David Kim

Vice President

Hello Everyone! My name is David and I am excited to be your Vice President for ICC at SEASACMUN. I’m currently a Grade 11 IB Student at UWC East, and have participated in 10 conferences as a delegate, and 2 as a chair. Having participated in ICC before, I can confidently say that it is one of my favourite committees in MUN. I’ve participated in a vast number of conferences and been on a variety of committees, which have allowed me to view issues from the perspective of nations with such different ideas, all of which have helped me to work with others to create robust resolutions.

I look forward to seeing all of you at the conference in the International Criminal Court!