Historical Security Council.

Chair Reports

Topic 1:

Resolving the Crisis in Hungary, 1956

Topic 2:

Resolving the Crisis in the Suez, 1956


Simona Albada

Head Chair

Hi everyone! My name is Simona, a G11 student from the Canadian International School of Hong Kong.

Having participated in numerous conferences over the years, it's safe to say that MUN has played a pivotal role in my high school journey.

Having said that, I hope to make SEASACMUN both an engaging and memorable experience for you all and can’t wait to HSC-your fruitful debates in February!

Deputy Chair

Chaarvi Mehta

Hi! I am Chaarvi, a Grade 10 student from UWC East. This is my 12th conference, and I am looking forward to Chair HSC. Throughout my MUN career, I have had so many opportunities to develop my skills and further improve my knowledge and I hope to provide each and every delegate an encouraging and motivating environment at our committee. I am eager to hear your resolutions and speeches.

Joseph Cai

Deputy Chair

Hello everyone. I’m Joseph, a junior from the International School Yangon. I’ve participated in a number of conferences throughout my MUN journey and it’s been a great way to delve into my interests of history and politics on a competitive and fun stage. I look forward to chairing HSC at this conference and to hopefully ensure a fulfilling experience for all of you as well.