Human Rights Council.
Chair Reports
Topic 1:
Protecting the Rights of those in Detention Centres and Prisons
Topic 2:
Addressing the Role of International Bodies and the Extent of Regulation on Deepfakes
Anna Kyaw
Head Chair
Hello everyone! My name is Anna, and I’m honored to be your head chair for the Human Rights Council at this year’s SEASAC MUN @ UWC East. I’m currently a junior at The International School Yangon (ISY) and have been actively participating in MUN for the past few years.
Over time, MUN has become a significant part of my life, with each conference bringing me so many new skills, friends, and memories. I hope to create that experience for you guys too.
I can’t wait to be chairing with Yunn–the one who may or may not resemble and act like Spongebob–in this conference! Like SpongeBob and Sandy, we are practical and adventurous (and maybe a little questionable at times) — but we’re definitely going to have a lot of fun. See you all soon!
Deputy Chair
Yunn Nway Lin
Hi everyone! I’m Yunn, a sophomore at ISY, and it’s a pleasure to serve as your deputy chair for the Human Rights Council at SEASAC MUN this year. This will be my 7th ever conference, and it’s an honor to spend it at UWC EAST with all of you.
MUN has kind of felt like being Under the Sea for me, with many ups and downs. But it was by swimming through them that I could find a growing love for debate, and hopefully the same comes true for you!
My HRC head chair (with an uncanny resemblance to Flounder) has always said to go with the flow, and so Sebastian and Flounder are here to give you a splash of fun debate under this SEA-SAC MUN conference!