Historical Joint Crisis Committee.
Chair Report
Topic: The Iranian Hostage Crisis
Luke Tran
Head Chair
Hey Everyone, My name is Luke and I am so excited to be serving as your Head Chair for HJCC at SEASACMUN@UWC East. I am currently a senior at SSIS and have participated in 15 conferences since starting MUN in my freshman year. HJCC is a prestigious committee that represents collaboration and diplomacy at its core.
Alongside my co-chairs, I hope to make this an opportunity for all delegates to work together and improve their speaking and problem-solving skills in a dynamic setting. I look forward to meeting you all, seeing the skills that you all bring to the table, and most importantly, making lasting memories with you all at my last SEASACMUN. See you in March!
Bernice Wu
Deputy Chair
Hi everyone, I’m Bernice, a Y12/G11 at the Canadian International School of Hong Kong. As an avid delegate and chair of crisis committees, I’m incredibly excited to chair this year’s iteration of HJCC alongside Luke and Derya!
MUN is truly the encapsulation of constructive discussion, banter and consensus building, so I hope to deliver the same experience for this iteration of SEASAC MUN held at UWCSEA East! See you in late February :)
Derya Okten
Deputy Chair
Hi Everyone! My name is Derya, and I am excited to be your deputy chair for HJCC at SEASACMUN@UWC East. I’m a Grade 11 IB Student at UWC East, and I have participated in 14 conferences since starting in MUN in grade 6.
Along with my chairs, I’m honoured to serve as chair of this prestigious committee. I am enthusiastic about witnessing engaging debates and making this conference memorable for all delegates. I look forward to meeting each delegate and hope they have the opportunity to make connections, improve their debate skills, and, most of all, make the most of this prestigious conference. I look forward to meeting all of you!